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Smarter software development starts here

Trusted by organizations around the globe to build thriving, data-driven engineering teams

American Express
Cigna Healthcare
Cox Automotive
Warner Bros Discovery
American Express
Cigna Healthcare
Cox Automotive
Warner Bros Discovery
American Express
Cigna Healthcare
Cox Automotive
Warner Bros Discovery
American Express
Cigna Healthcare
Cox Automotive
Warner Bros Discovery

Enhanced visibility within a single platform

Flow integrates with everyday tools like GitHub, Jira, and ADO to give you a big-picture view of your engineering team. See what they’re working on, identify roadblocks, and access insights instantly.

Flow platform increased visibility

Reduce cycle time with workflow diagnostics

Flow provides visibility into your processes and bottlenecks, so you can make data-driven decisions for faster, higher-quality code delivery.

Flow reduce cycle time workflow diagnostics

A scaleable solution for any engineering team

Get your team aligned on cycle time, set up reports to stay on track, and enhance collaboration with clear goals and code review processes for smooth deployments.

Flow reporting testing onboaring engineering teams

Benefits 02

Why Flow?

Flow is more than a software engineering intelligence platform: We’re your engineering transformation partner.

Align icon


Gain end-to-end visibility across your development teams and workflows so you can assess team health, spot bottlenecks, and remove roadblocks.

Launch icon


Achieve efficient development through priority alignment and workflow diagnostics so your team stays focused on the right work uninhibited by engineering drag.

Target icon


Build predictability into your workflow so you can confidently forecast delivery dates and advocate for resource needs within your team.

Engineering insights for your entire team

Build icon

Engineering managers

Optimize team efficiency and improve visibility into workflows. By decreasing cycle time and unplanned work, Flow helps your team achieve more predictable delivery outcomes. With objective data insights, managers can coach team members more effectively.

Configure settings icon

Engineering leaders

Enhance organizational efficiency by identifying bottlenecks and streamlining processes. Flow helps you to improve predictability of software development projects and provides actionable data so you can report on team effectiveness with confidence.

Code blocks icon

Software developers

Use actionable insights to quantify and reduce toil, so you can focus on meaningful development work. With clear data showcasing your contributions, you can advocate for strategically valuable projects and improve workflows to deliver high-quality results efficiently.

Account tree icon


Foster collaboration across teams by pairing DORA metrics with actionable insights to deploy more frequently. With Flow, operations teams can more effectively evaluate and refine engineering practices, driving continuous improvement and stronger outcomes.

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Product leaders

Enhance delivery timelines and customer satisfaction. By improving roadmap execution and reducing unplanned engineering work, Flow keeps your team aligned on priorities so you consistently deliver value to stakeholders.

Money icon


Gain transparency into the cost of engineering projects, enabling finance teams to allocate resources effectively. Flow helps you differentiate between capitalizable and non-capitalizable work, ensuring accurate financial reporting and informed decision-making.

Embrace the future with confidence

Transform your tech workforce. One developer. One delivery. One success at a time. 
Here’s how we help you conquer the challenges you’re facing:

Help software delivery teams ship reliable, scalable, secure code on time by ensuring teams collaborate effectively and have the right data-driven insights and skills.

Cut the learning curve for new engineering hires and get them to full productivity faster (and without bogging down the team).

Prevent burnout and reduce cycle times with the visibility and resources to develop skills and fix workflow gaps for distributed teams.

Get real insight into how your Agile journey is progressing and how you can help your teams to continuously improve.

Returns worth your investment

When you prioritize workforce development, your technologists grow in their careers and your business achieves better outcomes.


reduction in cycle time


hour reduction in PR time to merge


months ramp time acceleration

Flow insights

Flow pricing



/ user / month (billed annually)

Gain new visibility into your team's software development process.

  • Unlimited repos
  • Up to 36 month data import
  • GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Jira, Rally, ADO
  • Email & Slack notifications
  • Mob/Pair support
  • Email support
  • Core fundamental metrics
  • Work log
  • Ticket log
  • Review workflow



/ user / month (billed annually)

Accelerate impact while using data to make decisions and drive growth.

All Core features, plus...

  • Team health insights
  • Retrospective
  • Proficiency
  • Investment profile
  • Sprint movement
  • Check-in report
  • API access

Schedule an expert demo

Invest in your developer experience and discover ways to optimize software delivery.

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