7pace Timetracker downloads

On the go or within

your 7pace logo infrastructure

Windows and Mac 

apps that support you where 7pace logo you work

Get started with 7pace Timetracker for Azure DevOps. Download the Desktop App to record time from anywhere. Download the Server or On-Premise Extension for integrated time management in self-hosted environments.

Get started with 7pace Timetracker for Azure DevOps. Download the Desktop App to record time from anywhere. Download the Server or On-Premise Extension for integrated time management in self-hosted environments.

See and track your work items

A screenshot depicting 7pace desktop app interface. The image shows a list of tracked tasks with their respective durations and categories, such as Development, Design, and Deployment.

Forget to stop tracking? No problem.

A screenshot of 7pace desktop app interface showing multiple notifications and tracking details.

Download the free 7pace Timetracker for Desktop App

An illustration showing a computer monitor with a coding interface on the screen. Next to the monitor, there is a detailed pop-up window displaying task management options such as editing, deleting, and tracking activities.

More features

Light dns icon

Server side-tracking

Track server-side and sync information over all platforms and devices.

Light compare arrows icon

Easy switch

Easily switch between your tasks and start or stop tracking with one click.

Automation icon

Smart automation

Windows and Mac apps stop tracking when you leave/lock your computer.

check-box icon

Activity check

Turn on friendly check-ins that will stop your time tracking if you don’t respond.

Desktop app

TFS/Azure DevOps On-Prem