Workflow and Automation

Workflow and Automation

Solution use case 01

Create scalable, repeatable processes

Future-proof your business with processes that can be easily replicated and applied to new teams, projects, or departments.

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Main benefits

Minimize data inconsistencies and inaccuracies by establishing processes that can be replicated and scaled throughout the organization.

Flow icon purple

Establish consistency and quality

Setting time icon cyan

Reduce maintenance time

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Keep all your data in sync

More benefits

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Unlimited automations

Go beyond what’s available in Jira and execute an unlimited number of automations, regardless of your Jira Cloud plan.

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Repeatable workflows

Reuse your standard workflow configurations across multiple transitions and projects.

Rocket launch icon

Bulk operations

Use bulk operations to perform hundreds of maintenance and user management tasks with a few clicks.

Code icon

Repurpose scripts and commands

Streamline recurring tasks using previously created scripts, commands, or ready-made script templates.

Scalability icon

Build custom integrations

Keep data in sync and connect all your systems, from Jira to Confluence, to your CRM or BI tool to your external database.

Supporting apps 02

Apps to enable scalable, repeatable processes

Workflow and Automation

Jira Misc Workflow Extension (JMWE)

Reduce the time spent and simplify maintenance by reusing common workflow configurations, such as post functions or sequences of post functions, across multiple transitions and projects.

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JSU Automation Suite for Jira Workflows

Standardize recurring, manual tasks like approval flows, update issue data, and auto-close issues. Get an at-a-glance overview of all saved workflows to identify duplicates.

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Power Scripts

Query databases or LDAP within Jira and integrate the tech stack to keep data in sync. Upgrade to other instances or versions without manual conversion – with portable scripts.

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Jira CLI + Confluence CLI

Perform instance maintenance and user management with repeatable commands. Use bulk operations for mass updates and connect the Atlassian stack to your database, Slack, or external tools.

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“We are so impressed with JMCF and JMWE, which are critical to our ability to serve over 30,000 Jira customers on our system.”

Mark K.

“I can’t estimate the time I saved using Jira CLI. Building a single project shell manually would take days. I rebuild my projects every day in about 2 hours.”

Peter M.

“Power Scripts helped us simplify and automate enough tasks to cut down maintenance time by a quarter.”

Blazej O.

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