Agile Poker for Jira

Agile estimation

logo-agile-poker.svg you can bet on

Agile estimation

logo-agile-poker.svg you can bet on

Take planning poker to the next level. This toolkit has four collaborative options to facilitate accurate and convenient backlog estimation for Agile teams.

Take planning poker to the next level. This toolkit has four collaborative options to facilitate accurate and convenient backlog estimation for Agile teams.

Cloud fortified iconCloud fortified

Assessed for scale iconAssessed for scale

24 hour support icon24/5 support

Reliability checks iconReliability checks

Key benefits 01

Benefit icon yellow

Improved team collaboration

Business icon yellow

Flexible Agile planning toolkit

Poker icon

Powerful Agile estimating

Customers 02

Teams who trust us

Key features 03

The most flexible estimation solution in Jira

The best way to get the best plan. Agile Poker is packed with features to make estimation and planning a breeze, removing all the guesswork.

Interactive planning sessions

Agile Poker Feature 1

Relative backlog estimations

Agile Poker Feature 2

Async estimates

Agile Poker Feature 3

More features

Discover tune icon

Flexible estimation values

Easily switch between the most recommended sets of estimation values (such as Fibonacci sequences and T-shirt values), or create custom values.

Dashboard icon

Epics and sub-task estimation

Enable Epics, Sub-tasks, or both under the Issue types dropdown during the game creation process, and you’re all set.

Filter list icon

Triangulation issues

While choosing an estimate, you will see three recent issues with hovered estimate value. The moderator can configure up to three issues from the past, and the team can use them as reference points to avoid the effects of estimation inflation.

Format list bullet icon

Multi-field estimation

Allows estimation based on multiple Jira fields per issue and, optionally, calculates the final score based on those fields. 

Thumbs up icon

Unbiased voting

View comment data such as the first/last comment, the user who commented, and the time it was made in the issue navigator.

Compare arrows icon

Slack integration

Select the Slack option from session creation or configuration pages, connect with a Slack workspace, and select a channel, and your team will receive scheduled communications via Slack.

“This tool offers a few ways to help keep backlog grooming sessions smooth. What I really love about it is how seamlessly we can prepare and execute on our meetings without being disruptive to the development team.”

Allison L.

“I've been so impressed by the responsiveness of the team. They've responded quickly to every question and have gone above and beyond in adding some minor functionality to address some of our specific needs.”

Shelley L.

“The asynchronous mode makes it easy for team members to review stories independently and provide comment, especially as we are all working remotely during the pandemic.”

Sargon P.

Compatible apps 04

Build the perfect planning poker combo

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Want even more collaborative planning? Try Foxly. You’ll get the tools your team needs to prioritize work realistically. 

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